Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The new 'normal'


I haven't written a post in ages, mainly because I've been so busy with work and have been spending my weekends enjoying the sunshine when it peeks out from behind the clouds..!

It seems my skin has settled into a Roaccutane routine. For the first month it went through a phase of extremely dry lips, nose, hands, everything, and then suddenly one day I woke up and my hands were completely smooth, my nose was back to normal, by lips weren't cracked anymore... it was very weird.

It seems this has become a bit of a routine, but perhaps on a smaller scale. Now, it seems to change from week to week. The cycle seems to begin with rashy hands - they're very dry but very inflamed - any type of moisturiser would make it go red, bumpy and generally very unhappy. A few days after that, it tends to calm down - it will still be very dry, but I can actually put some moisturiser on it - which is helpful! I am thinking of investing in some very mild body scrub though, as the moisturiser can't do much when there's lots of dead skin on my hands...lovely I know.
Then once this dry stage has finished, it'll suddenly clear up, and be smooth again! And then back to the beginning...

My face, however, seems to work the other way round. When my hands are very dry and scaly, the skin on my face is clear. When my hands are smooth, my skin breaks out. I think it's because of the science behind the pill itself - it's designed to remove all excess moisture from your skin so that spots aren't produced - which makes sense when there's more oil and my hands are smooth, yet my face breaks out.

Other than that, I wouldn't say I have any new symptoms! I went for my first check-up and she said that it seems like it's going well, and I'll continue going as I am (40mg a day). I've had a couple of nosebleeds, but nothing too severe - it tends to be just when I blow my nose rather than out of nowhere! I've also started to get very dry skin on my arms - I'm prone to eczema on my arms, so this didn't come as a huge surprise, and it's not quite as bad as my hands get!

That's all for today - no time to upload any photos yet, so I will add more in due course!

Louise :)

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